Baltimore Transit Governance and Funding Study
The study developed alternatives for how the region can reorganize itself to govern, manage, and fund regional and local transit services.
The State of Maryland funds transportation investments through the Transportation Trust Fund (TFF), which is supported by a variety of transportation taxes and fees. By creating a dedicated funding stream for transportation, Maryland’s TTF puts it ahead of many states in terms of support for public transit services and same. At the same time, the funding structure concentrates transit decision-making at the state level with limited opportunities for local and regional input. Concentrated decision-making at the state level also means investment priorities are impacted by changes in political leadership. The Baltimore Metropolitan Council and Baltimore Regional Transportation Board were interested in exploring different governance and funding models for how the region organizes and structures its transit governance.

Nelson\Nygaard led the Baltimore Regional Transit Governance and Funding Study. This study developed alternatives for how the region could reorganize itself to govern, manage, and fund regional and local transit services. Nelson\Nygaard worked through a deliberate and technical process that was grounded in the region’s history and development. This process included a detailed review and developed a shared understanding of regional transit spending, revenues, and forecasts for future investment needs.
The initial project culminated in a report and formation of a Baltimore Regional Transit Governance and Funding Workgroup Committee. This group met four times in 2022, was facilitated by Nelson\Nygaard and recommended the formation of a Baltimore Region Transit Commission (BRTC) to the Maryland State Assembly. The Maryland State Assembly supported the recommendation, and the BRTC was formed in January 2024.
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