Bus Delay Analysis Tool

Bus Delay Analysis Tool

Our interactive tool lets you see when and where bus delays occur at the segment level, so you can target roadway improvements more effectively and get the most out of your investments.

As cities face growing traffic congestion, transit priority enhancements like bus-only lanes, queue jumps, and transit signal priority have improved transit performance, moving more people more efficiently along the public right-of-way. To help cities and transit agencies prioritize these investments, Nelson\Nygaard developed BDAT, which utilizes existing data to visualize where transit enhancements will have the most impact for the most people.

A new way to analyze transit.

Bus transit is typically analyzed by route, but looking at individual routes doesn’t tell the full story of service performance. In many cities, buses share roadway segments—and they do so on ever more congested streets, creating delays that impact service reliability. Our interactive tool analyzes automated vehicle location and automatic passenger count data, enabling our clients to see when and where delays occur at the segment level, so they can target roadway improvements more effectively and get the most out of their investments.

BDAT’s interface allows you to easily diagnose delays and test improvements.

  • System Filters allow you to see only the data that is relevant to your project.
  • Export Options allow you to export tabular or spatial data for further analysis.
  • Maps and other visual representations of delay can be filtered to user-selected segments.
  • Key Transit Metrics provide info based on the filters applied above.

Move quickly from analysis to solutions—and into design and construction.

BDAT’s Project & Treatment Module helps our clients experiment with different types of improvements to understand their costs and benefits, prioritize where to invest, and move quickly from analysis to solutions and into design and construction. BDAT helps agencies quickly identify problem areas and develop and evaluate potential solutions. The Project & Treatment Module facilitates the process of documenting potential solutions to each problem area.

In Practice

Our Bus Delay Analysis Tool is currently guiding project prioritization work for TriMet’s Enhanced Transit Corridor Program, helping TriMet optimize its resources and connect people to the thriving Portland region through reliable transit. Other BDAT clients include:

  • City of Austin
  • City of Denver
  • King County Metro
  • Seattle Department of Transportation
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